About Me

Who I am?

Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah..
Good Morning Friends..
How are you doing today? I hope you are doing good,

Here, it is special talking about all of me. So, what do you want to know about me as whole you may ask me about it all in comment column below, please..
I will answer all of your questions in my next post, agree?

OK now, who I am?
I am an Indonesian girl who live in Dharmasraya district (my hometown). now, I live in Bukittingggi for studying, one of the beautiful place to stay in Indonesia is Bukittinggi, seriously.
I'm in fifth semester at English Education Study Program of State Islamic Institute of Bukittinggi.
Who I am?
I am a girl who is really interested in learning languages. I said 'languages' why don't I say English or other language? Why?

Because for me, personally, to know and be fluent in languages (instead of if it is Arabic, Japanese, Korean, English UK, American English, Urdu, or even Hindi, and so on) is VERY important for us. The most important point of Languages, for me, it proved how big The Creator of the universe who created all of this things perfectly, many nations, many cultures, many languages, many ethnics, say thank to Allah, the God of this universe.
I think that's all from me in this post.

Now, if you have question about me, please give your interest in the comment column below. I do love to answer it. 
I say thank you so much for visiting my blog,
see ya on the next blog, Assalamu'alaikum

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