Senin, 16 Desember 2019

English Idioms

10 common English Idioms
Good Evening and Happy raining friends, ;-)
This evening, I just wanna share a simple lesson for you to learn, daripada mikirin besok senin, lebih baik belajar idiom bahasa Inggris karena akan menambah vocabulary kawan-kawan, tentunya..
Now, let's begin..
10 common English Idioms that many people say are:
1.  A piece of cake
      This means something is very easy to do. The example is Japanese language is a piece of cake for her. 
2.  See eye to eye 
      This means you agree with someone. The example is He finally eye to eye on the business deal. 
3. When pigs fly
      This about something impossible to be happened. It will never happen. The example is she will pick him up when pigs fly. 
4. Break a leg
      This means saying good luck. The example is break a leg Anne, I'm sure you will do it greatly. 
5. Do not judge a book by its cover
      This means to not judge someone or something based on appearance.
6.  To cost an arm and a leg
       This means something is very expensive to buy or to get. The example is fuel these days cost an arm and a leg. 
7. The best of both worlds
        This means you enjoy two different things at same time.
8. Once in a blue moon
         This means an event that happen infrequently. The example is I only go to the cinema once in a blue moon.
9. To feel under the weather
         This means to not feel well. The example is I'm really feeling under the weather today, I have a terrible cold.
10. To add insult to injury
         This means to make a situation getting worse. The example is to add insult to injury  the car drove off without stopping after knocking me off my bike.
I think that's all for today, thank you for visiting, and don't forget give your comment to show your interesting, Assalamu'alaikum..

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